
img_7829Nutwood Farm is an abundant, diverse ecological habitat intentionally stewarded to provide a wide array of edible nuts, fruits, and grains for our regional foodshed while redefining conventional food production, inspiring deeper changes in how we relate to food and the socioecological systems we partake in, demonstrating the principles of regenerative agriculture, strengthening community food sovereignty and economic sufficiency, and embodying appropriate human relationship with the earth.


With the forest as teacher, we hope to become the first small commercial nut farm in Massachusetts, growing hazelnuts, chestnuts, walnuts, hickories, butternuts, and more.  As the hedgerow plantings mature atop our contour berms, interplantings of edible shrubs, berries, and medicinal understory herbs will blanket our field with habitat and food.  Rice paddies, fruit trees, and small vegetable gardens will round out the diversity of our farm, along with beehives, a small herd of sheep and some amorous ducks.  Greenhouses attached to the southface of our passive solar timber frame strawbale home will continue the abundance of production year-round where more exotic herbs, fruits, and spices will thrive.


A welcoming, compassionate and reciprocal neighborhood and village will complete our vision of a thriving local farm and community in a place we honor and care for that gives meaning to our lives.

We welcome all to join us in this motley adventure and manifest vision- we will happily offer our knowledge, experiences and mistakes along the way as we explore a lifetime of relationship with the human and ecological landscapes we are embedded in.


Nutwood Farm’s mission is to plant roots in the community to create an abundant permanent culture embodying appropriate human relationship with the earth.

In a nutshell, we do this by:

  1. Cultivating a diverse array of perennial tree fruits, nuts, vegetables, mushrooms, grains, and medicinals
  2. Using water harvesting earthworks and keyline design to wisely manage water resources
  3. Applying the principles of carbon farming to rapidly build topsoil and increase soil biological activity and nutrient holding capacity
  4. Developing integrated land management techniques through intensive rotational grazing and silvopasture
  5. Supplying our community with high-quality, nutrient-dense, locally-adapted, open-pollinated perennial foods
  6. Providing for our own food needs by extending the growing season, maximizing storage capabilities, and experimenting with greenhouse grown exotic fruits, herbs and spices
  7. Demonstrating innovative green building techniques, appropriate technology, and living building ethics
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